View version history

NeetoKB keeps track of all changes made to your articles, allowing you to view and manage the version history effectively. This feature ensures transparency and accountability while making collaboration seamless.Follow the steps below for better clarity.

  1. Go to the knowledge base.

  2. Open the article by clicking on its title.

  3. Click on the three-dot menu at the top right corner.

  4. Click on View version history.

  5. A list of all saved versions of the article will appear. Each version is timestamped and includes details of the author who made the changes.

  6. Click on a specific version to view its content. The changes will typically be highlighted, showing additions or modifications.

  7. If you wish to revert to an earlier version, click on the Restore Version button for that version.

  8. Confirm the action. The selected version will now become the current version of the article.


  • Version History Permissions: Ensure you have the necessary permissions to view or restore versions. Contact your admin if you encounter any access restrictions.

  • Auto-Save: NeetoKB automatically saves article drafts, so you can recover changes even if not manually saved.

  • Audit Trail: Use the version history as an audit trail to track who made specific changes and when.