Domain Level Redirection

Let's say that you are using NeetoKB and you have built a number of articles. However, for whatever reason, you are moving away from NeetoKB, and you are using a different solution.

Now, you want all your articles from NeetoKB to be redirected to the new domain. Let's say that while using NeetoKB, your subdomain was bullpen. Your new domain is

Domain-level redirection can help you redirect all your documents from to

Once you enable "Domain Level Redirection," any visitor to will be redirected to

Please note that the full path is maintained while redirecting the URL. This means any visitor to a page like will be redirected to

Here's how you can set it up:

  1. Go to Settings > Redirections.

  2. Enable the toggle next to Add domain level redirection.

  3. Enter the new domain in the field.

  4. Click Enter to save the changes.

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